Arab-Israeli Public Opinion

In May 2023, there is stability in responses regarding building Jewish places of prayer on the Temple Mount.

In June 2022 16% support Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount compared to 21% in May 2023 and 13% in November 2023.
In June 2022, 64% support limiting Jewish visitation to the Temple Mount compared to 61% in May 2023 and 67% in November 2023.

In May 2023, there is very little support for strengthening Israel's control of the temple mount even it causes riots among Arabs (13%) or harms peace with Jordan (10%) and the Gulf countries (8%)

In June 2022, 74% support the Temple mount remaining under Muslim control compared to 63% in May 2023 and 70% in November 2023.
In June 2022 37% support keeping the existing situation on the Temple Mount compared to 59% in May 2023 and 35% in November 2023.

In May 2023, 44% support transferring East Jerusalem to the Palestinians compared to 45% in November 2023. In May 2023, 46% support dividing Jerusalem into two capitals compared to 41% in May 2023.